Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cafeteria Poll & Feedback

We have received numerous complaints about the cafeteria in parallel to some other issues and the management would like hear your view views on what sort of cafeteria would you like.

We do not want to hear how bad the food is etc but just want to hear your ideas on what you would like. In addition to this a poll has been created on this blog to capture some of the feedback around the types of food you would like.

Please take a moment to complete the poll and ideas can be sent to

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 Raya Open House

An important date for your diaries:-

We are pleased to announce that we are planning a Raya Open House event on the Saturday 17th September at 11am.

Further details will follow shortly.

Kindergarten and Childcare Centre

As you are probably aware a kindergarten and child care centre were built by the developer and are located on the ground floor of tower F.

The developer is finally finishing of the last few items and will shortly hand over the units in their basic state.

In parallel to this the management office are preparing to put this out to tender.

We are keen to hear your views on what YOU would like from these facilities and what you deem a reasonable rate to pay.

An option to open the centre up to outsiders will be considered to make it more attractive to operators.

Please provide your feedback to the JMC via

JMC Organisation Chart

Following the appointment of some new JMC members during the recent AGM we are please to announce that a copy of the latest JMC organisation chart can be found on the JMC page of this blog.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gym Commitee

Following on from the success of the Musolla committee we are delighted to announce that that one of our new JMC members, Dr. Kousay A. Ali has kindly agreed to lead the Gym committee.

We are aware that improvements are needed however with severe financial constraints large expenditure will probably not be possible. Dr. Kousay will be looking at all aspects of the GYM and feedback can be submitted to him via

Car Clamping Issues

Last weekend our security company clamped several cars.

The next day it was discovered that both cars and the clamping sets had gone.

The management office have raised police reports and JPJ checks have indicated that at least of the cars belongs to a resident.

In addition to making the police report the management office will do their best to ensure that cost of the clamp, lock and fine is recovered.

In the mean time until this is settled we have requested that the following cars be banned from the car park.

Level P4
Level P2

2011/12 JMC Members

Please be advised that the JMC page has been updated to reflect the new 2011/12 commitee.

An organsiation chart is currently being produced and will be uploaded asap.

Update to the Houserules

During the recent AGM several changes were agreed to the Houserules. As well as the changes listed below, updates were made to the wording to make it more explicit in many areas and hopefully prevent confusion and ambiguoity.

The main areas updated are as follows:

  • Explain moving in/out process + payment of a deposit
  • Details/changes on delivery and renovation hours
  • Limits on renovation work
  • Persons caught with pets/animals will be liable for a fine
  • Guidelines for burning rituals
  • Guidelines around private gardens
  • Guidelines for cycling, skateboarding, games in commons areas
  • Provision for visitors parking charge if required at a later point
  • Definition of common facilities
  • More clarity around actions taken for non payment of service charge
  • No smoking or alcohol consumption in the pool area
A copy of the revised houserules is available here: VWM_Houserules_rev1

Gym A/C


Please be advised that the air conditioning equipment in the gym will be switched off until further notice.

This is due to the urgent need to reduce costs and also in response to complaints from the majority of gym users who do not want air conditioning and then subsequently open the gym windows.

Yours Sincerely,


Monday, July 18, 2011

JMC Meeting Minutes 2nd July 2011

Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 2nd July 2011 are now available on line here:  JMC Meeting 02/07/11

2011 AGM Meeting Minutes

Please note that the meeting minutes from the 2011 AGM are now available and can be downloaded from here: 2011 AGM Minutes

Monday, July 11, 2011

Service Charge Increase

During the AGM on 25th June 2011 an increase in the service charge from 12c to 15c per sq ft effective 1st July 2011 was approved.

Unfortunately the July Service Charge bill was sent out without any notification of this which has now resulted in  confusion and concern.

The following letter from the JMB Chairman regarding this will be distributed to all units asap:

Please contact the management office or the JMC should you have any queries.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

JMC Meeting Minutes – 11th June 2011

Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 11th June 2011 are now available on line here:  JMC Meeting 11/06/11

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Unauthorised security grilles in the common areas

There have been several instances of penthouse owners installing grills several metres in front of the their units thereby sealing off the common corridor area outside their unit. Within this area shoe cabinets and other items have been observed.

Although this doesn’t impact any other unit the area is deemed a common area therefor it's totally unacceptable and is against regulations.

These grills need to be removed and warning letters have been sent. The management office will remove the offending grille and cabinets at the owners cost in the next 7-14 days.

Please contact the management office if you require further clarification.

Additional Car Parking Spaces

There have been many enquires as to the status of the additional parking spaces that the developer held and were previously selling. The management office are currently investigating however it looks like these were the additional visitor car parking spaces that become available when Phase II opened.

The JMC are looking into whether we can rent these spaces out without an AGM/EGM resolution due to the low AGM turnout and the many requests received.

We will keep you updated on the progress.

AGM Presentation & Photo’s

Firstly our apologies for the delay in publishing the minutes.

The delay is due to some errors which needed to be corrected and some clarification required around the attendance/voting of some of the AGM attendee's.

Whilst this is being addressed we have uploaded a copy of the presentation as well as some photos courtesy of Chris Jong.

The slides are available here: 2011_AGM_PACK